Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/ Training (ACT)
ACT is a powerful new psychotherapy based on cutting-edge research into how the human mind works. Its success is clinically proved in a wide range of psychological problems. (The name of this therapy comes from its key themes: Learn how to accept those things that are out of one’s control, and commit to changing those things that can be changed to make one’s life richer and fuller.)
It is a very active therapy. It is not one of those therapies where we just talk about clients problems. It is a therapy, in which the client actively learns new skills to improve their quality of life.
Trying to control/avoid/suppress/modify thoughts, bodily feelings and emotions causes Psychological suffering.
ACT provides the wisdom and tools to help us to stop this unnecessary suffering and live a fuller and meaningful life guided by one’s core values.
ACT teaches alternatives such as acceptance, mindfulness, cognitive diffusion, values based living and workable committed action.
ACT is a very effective psychotherapy for managing Anxiety disorders, Depression, Phobias, OCD and other behavioural and cognitive problems.
ACT is normally a short duration therapy. Between each 2 sessions, the clients are provided with various experiential exercises, which help to develop the skills learnt in the sessions.